Sunday, October 14, 2018


Yesterday, I issued three unvitations to the same person.

I was cooking when the phone rang and a friend went into a rant about the POTUS. Usually, commiseration R US, but I suggested we change the subject, as I didn't want the eggs to curdle.

Next, I was at a memorial service with like minded folk for a wonderful woman who enhanced many lives with her spunk, smarts, daring, and beauty. During the reception, someone got around to the latest scandalous tweet. Again, I took a page from my Cousin Gina's book and reminded the friends seated at table with me that the POTUS had not been invited to the ceremony or the reception.

Later, in the redwoods with ten like-minded and environmentally conscious friends, while picking out an invasive species of spiderwort from the forest floor, inevitably, the parallel play led to political talk and sharing of disturbing disgruntlement over the bullying we're seeing from the highest bully in all the land. 

"Ya know," I said, "He wasn't invited to our weed-pulling party. Let's see if the beauty of Nature can truly restore our sanity, refresh our senses, and dilute the rage, anger, disappointment and helplessness we're all feeling." 

A spider's giant orb web danced in the sun, casting a magic of its own. Steadfastly, we pulled the intruding weeds that compete with the redwoods for nourishment.

We spoke of the innocence of children. We spoke of people we know who are doing wonderful, creative things... creating art and beauty and music and gardens. We spoke of how gardens absorb all our negativity AND all our CO2, and how they give us so much solace, comfort and FOOOOD!

As far as I can tell, talking about the terrible horrible no-good very bad things that are being perpetrated under our noses makes us miserable and talk won't change a thing. Voting will.

There's an organization called which seems to make a lot of sense. From Friday, November 2, through Sunday, November 4, they encourage people to TALK with other people about voting. It's those last few impressions before election Tuesday, November 6 that seem to stick and make the biggest difference. The idea is to get as many folks to vote as possible. 

It's scary to think how many people have been stricken from the voting rosters for not having a street address, but only a Post Office Box address. Since when must you have a street address in order to vote? Ever since Trump and his handlers, circus clowns, and puppeteers came to power. 

What about this for a street address: Third car from the One Way Street sign, Corner of Main and Grand, Anytown, USA? So many Homeless Folk. So many Native Peoples. So many disenfranchised are excluded from the polls. Seems as if some ARE more equal than others, just as George Orwell predicted in 1948 about 1984. Now thirty-four years down the road, we've had lots of practice and inequality has mushroomed.

I've got my mail-in ballot and my recommendations from The League of Women Voters and I'm gonna send it in soooooon!
And, by the way, the POTUS is not invited into my heart or brain for the rest of the year. Or my gut. I shall return to the redwoods for comfort.

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