Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Deep thanks fill my heart as I step onto the blogosphere path. It's all so new! So many possibilities await!
Both daughters blazed the trail and said, "Mom... Just doooo it!"  Megan's get-into-tutoring.com and Mosa's BoobJuice.com provide examples of using the medium to its fullest.

In addition to being totally supportive of all my endeavors, my beloved Mark helped immensely as I tried to navigate WordPress.org to get a blog site going, but the stumbling blocks there barked our shins and sent me in search of easier pathways. We'll see how this blogger.com works.

My writing buddies have been cheering me on for years and I'm so grateful for the nudging and modeling of Jaimi, Adoley, Udana, Sonya, Ellen and Kelly. Catch Sonya's "Om Freely... Monday Morning Memo" about 'Living Out Loud' which inspired my desire to show-up to write at least once a week. I'm thankful to Andrea Beard (CreativeLifeWriting.com) for making it look so easy and inviting me to have my say.

This is the first Monday of the rest of my life. I want to spend it as a writer... a grateful writer.

Today's news is filled with the story of how American forces found, killed and buried at sea The Notorious Terrorist who eluded the world for more than ten years. While I am wowed by the precision of the "fire fight" that took him out, and relieved that this terrorist can no longer orchestrate death, the phrase "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" plays in my mind. I have visions of the Sorcerer's Apprentice. Remember when the would-be wizard chops up the water-carrying broom? Instead of  ending his dilemma each splinter turns into another broom carrying more water - compounding his problem. We may be in the same boat... or up "De-Nial" without a boat! Do YOU feel safer in your bed tonight? Not sure I do. Time will tell.
I'm grateful Navy Seals put an end to that reign of terror, but worry that the "War on Terror" is far from over.


Temple Grandin (as played brilliantly by Claire Danes in the docu-drama of the same name) says: "Nature is cruel. Human beings have a choice to be respectful and compassionate toward the animals we choose to eat for food." Her understanding of suffering is embodied. She knows first-hand how panic feels in the flesh. Her autism gave her plenty of challenges to overcome. Not speaking until she was four years old, she walked through many doors on her way to becoming a PhD. Her gifts to the world are immense. She's modeling how to live a meaningful life no matter our limitations.

About 50% of the feed-lots and slaughter houses in our country have adopted her more humanely designed flow-ways for processing cattle. We still have a long way to go to eradicate cruelty... but it's a step. There is cause to be grateful along the way.

 Thanks for joining me in my Monday Musing. My idea is to show up for myself as a writer - musing about whatever is sitting on top. Some of the topics that interest me are birth, death and the stuff in-between that makes up a life.

I've been a body worker since 1985 and began specializing in trauma resolution in 1995. Bio-Dynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Birth Trauma Resolution, Somatic Experiencing, Yoga Therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu Accupressure, Polarity Therapy, Ortho Bionomy(R), Svaroopa(R) Yoga Classes, Shamanic Healing, Reiki and Laying-on-of-Hands are some of the modalities I've studied and used over the years. I have loved working with babies who've had a rough entry into the world. It's a privilege to witness them letting go of the fight/flight/freeze in their body so they don't have to carry it around 'til they're old!

I'm grateful to my family, friends, teachers, clients and students who shine the light for me to remember that I came here for some reason... and I'd better get to sharing it.


  1. Word up, Mama! Congrats and thanks to you! I look forward to reading more (but only when it doesn't weird you out).

  2. How precious your words are to me. Now the world will have a sense of the woman who values individuals above isms. Your sense of human surpasses my sense of humor.

    Keep this marvelous endeavor going; you have so much to share with all of us.

  3. Thought provoking and moving words, Melinda (as always). thank you thank you.

  4. . . . . AND CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID IT!! Welcome to the world of Monday Morning Musings :-)

  5. Well done, I look forward to many more Mondays!
