Sunday, April 28, 2019

Crochety Old Broad

Maybe I will be a crochety old broad after all!

My knitting group has been invited to help out a church member who's recovering from breast cancer surgery. Cathy wants to complete a Granny Square Quilt before daughter Elizabeth's trip across country to attend her first year of college. 

We knitters all agreed. We'll show up next Thursday at our mentor's home with yarn, hooks and embroidery needles to get this project in hand while Cathy tends to her healing. 

There's something so satisfying about picking up the pieces that necessarily drop out of a friend's hand because s/he's trying to fend off one of Life's Curve Balls. It's almost as if we're thumbing our noses at the hubris of Life to think it could thwart one human's dreams. Strength in numbers.

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Many grocery stores used to accept clean plastic bags and send them to recyclers who then had them shipped in BULK to China.  Evidently, China got tired of taking the plethora of plastic from the teeming shores of the US of A, and is no longer admitting our refuse to spill over onto their shores. Neither is Safeway taking them elsewhere.

What if...

We shred the plastic film bags, twist the strips into "yarn" and crochet colorful windshield shades? They can be held up with hooks sit into silicone suction cups stuck to the windshield. I think it could be a win-win situation. 

Inhabitants of a warming climate need shades for their gas guzzling cars! We can use them forever, because - HEY! Plastic does NOT bio-degrade! Once made, it lasts FOREVER!  But cars don't, so we will continue to need new shades for quite some time. 

Hmmmm.... What ELSE might we crochet out of plastic bags?? 

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