Sunday, October 9, 2016

Building Abs to Stomach the Debates

Who says watching TV necessitates imitating a couch potato?

I cannot stomach the circus of these mud-slinging candidates while sitting still. I jumped on the mini-trampoline for much of the two hour spectacle. I paced and shook out my arms after some push-ups against the wall and did a lot of sit-ups. It was sit up or spit up!

My adrenaline spikes every time the Great Trumpkin opens his mouth, or purses it, or puts a microphone to it. I hope the TV glass doesn't permanently show the imprints of my two fingers poking out his scan-line eyes on the big screen. In a less violent display of disgust, we're going to carve a Jerk-o-Lantern for Halloween this year. My husband says... "At least it starts off the right color!"

Rome's fall took more time than our rapid decline. We're not far from the lions and the Christians in an arena.

My heart is still pounding with fear and loathing.

May the next thirty days bring some clarity or a gift along the lines of what historically descended from the top of the stage in ancient Greek plays... Deus ex Machina... SAVE US, dear Gods and Goddesses! Save us from ourselves... preferably before the seas rise to swallow us all. Maybe it will only take another few videos of the unbelievable, and I mean UNbelievable Great Trumpkin being his inimitable self in a public. Fact checkers aside, we need to hear from psychologists and psychiatrists about the danger of having a narcissist in power with his finger on the nuclear button.

I wish I loved Mrs. Hillary Diane Rodham Senator Secretary Clinton. For me she's the only clear choice to maintain choice for women over our own bodies, protecting the planet, and providing for the common good. I have volunteered to drive people to the polls who do not have transport. I may have to do some more ab workouts before November 8... and definitely before October 19! Why am I drawn to the flame of the debate? It fascinates and horrifies me. Good for building abs, though.

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