Sunday, March 8, 2015

As You Wish

As You Wish...

Embedded in the phrase from one of my favorite movies is the understanding that it means, “I love you.”

Peter Falk plays the grandfather reading to his home-from-school-with-a-fever grandson, played by a young Fred Savage, with such tenderness, that it makes me tear up just remembering him looking over his shoulder as he exits the room with a wink and an, “As you wish.”

On a recent road-trip, I listened to As You Wish, by Cary Elwes. The sub-title is “Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride.” 

William Goldman’s book, The Princess Bride, tells a gem of a story involving giants, adventure, revenge, sword fights, torture, redemption, rodents of unusual size, and true love. Hearing the adventures of making the film of the same name, under the capable direction of Rob Reiner enthralled me for nearly a thousand miles, listening to most of the six CDs at least twice.

I was immersed in the improbable hoisting of Andre the Giant up the Cliffs of Insanity, as the miles spun by. I laughed aloud at the unlikely bruising of Mandy Patinkin’s rib while trying to suppress his laugh, so as not to ruin a take, while Billy Crystal was riffing on comparisons of “true love,” to that (now) famous MLT (mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich), and to a really good bowel movement - which, because of the G rating and family nature of the now cult-classic, with nearly as big a following as The Rocky Horror Picture Show, ended up as an “out-take.” It may be worthwhile to “youtube” Princess Bride Out-Takes!

To say I recommend the book, and in particular, the audio book, is an UNDER statement. Several of the principles share their recollections in their own voices.

Alas, Andre the Giant’s hulking 540 pound physical frame has been hoisted to where he’s no longer able to voice his recollections, so it is good and right that Cary Elwes has written them down.

If you get a chance...

As You Wish

1 comment:

  1. "When the mutton is nice and lean"...I just quoted that line tonight to Jimi! The stars align :) Thinking of you my dear friend. I may have to give this one a listen as I commute.
