Monday, June 9, 2014

Asleep on the Job


Body worn and tired

My heart is light and free

I've been to see the Grandie

Her love's a tonic to me.

Her Dada hosted swimming,

Her Mama made gorgeous cake

The girlfriend bought some gloptious

Rude creations for all to taste

Why does store-bought trump

Things that are made with love?

What makes things that ought to last

Turn to dust and people gruff?

The time spent in preparing place

Quadrupled what we had

Grandie's first school chum arrived

Without his mom, but with his dad

The harsh reality these days

Is that homes are broken

Sad hearts register the breaks

'though the hurt's unspoken

Grandie's Dad served up Sangría

We put on Eagle Eyes

What a perfect set up

For drowning kids who're five

Only two of them went under

Only one girl cut her head

We're oh, so very lucky

Not one of them is dead

Gran'Pun's Magic won the day

Forty folks enjoyed the show

The girl who'd bumped her head missed out

She's okay now, we're relieved to know

Tension thicker than the sweet cakes

I wished I'd had a knife

To cut the animosity

Surrounding Grandie's life

On Sunday, some solutions

Presented by a realtor

Gave us hope of living nearer

To our dear granddaughter

Saw lots of houses, none quite right

But narrowing the field

To areas and prices

More to be revealed

On the late-night drive back

We discussed all that we had seen

Homes and love and play-times

Danced on my dream-screen

Will we ever make the move?

Only time will tell

Meanwhile, may clear thinking,

Love and Peace prevail

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