Sunday, June 26, 2011

Brazilian Experience

July 2004 I was part of a group of nine Somatic Experiencing Practitioners which went to stay in a Spiritual Community near Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Here are a few “snap-shots” of my experiences which continue to show up in my professional practice and are of great comfort and foundational understanding in my personal life.

We arrived at the mountain Center in the middle of the night, in the middle of a storm that took out the electricity for two days. We bonded with the community living there by candle light, lightning flash, warm hugs and scent of hearty soup. We were immediately welcomed, warmed and reassured. This was our “home away from home”; a safe haven for our 11 day visit.

Henrique, who is pai (spiritual father) to the community, met with each of us individually, throwing the buzios (cowrie shells used for divination). Through our translator’s tireless efforts we were able to write down his vision of where we’d come from, where we were in our current life circumstances and where we were headed. To say Henrique was accurate beyond belief is an understatement. He told me things about my family members and about my own path which have been so helpful in the last seven years. Because I have a broader view of what’s going on; what each person’s struggle is guiding him/her to do, it has been easier to be with the process. His vision gave me higher perspective.

Ceremony supports healing. Community holds the shattered bits of our soul so tenderly that the pieces come whole again in joy and celebration. We were witness to what some would call the miraculous. One person came with hearing loss in one ear and left with it restored. Another came with wildly fluctuating blood pressure and left on a much more even keel. Still another was in the midst of profound loss and grief when she arrived, but during the course of the stay was given real solace, real healing, and real perspective which is a balm to the soul. I left with a certainty about my path, and a healed right leg with which I can step forward confidently on that path.
Using his understanding of Candomble, the religion brought by the slaves from Western Africa, and Umbanda,  the indigenous rituals of Brazilian tribes, Henrique weaves healing in which to wrap us. Not surprisingly, he uses titration, pendulation and resourcing - key principles of Somatic Experiencing whose founder, Dr.  Peter Levine, suggested that we go and study with Henrique. Dr. Levine declared, "He is a bonafide Shaman.Go see how healing happens while community holds the container."

Sometimes our ceremonies went on until the wee hours of the morning, yet the community was with us every moment. The drummers drummed all night long.  Henrique pulled from the Source and graciously gave sustenance to all participants… singing and singing… in a rich velvet baritone, in Portuguese and in Latin. He incorporated what was happening in the moment!  “Ah, the rooster is crowing! The sun rises”

We all left behind cherished friends in that community who were unconditionally loving and so generous with their time and energy and devotion to our healing… it was a tearful departure. Each meal was prepared with such love and artistry it nourished us to the bone and essence of our being.   I was so taken with the whole experience I made repeat journeys there in 2005 and in 2009. There’s yet another trip to Belo Horizonte in my future… I don’t need Henrique to tell me that, I feel it in my bones!                         


  1. Hello! Can you tell me the name of this retreat? It sounds beautiful, I am heading to brazil early next year and looking to attend something just like this :)

  2. Ooops! Hello Kelly. I'm only now seeing your comment over five years after you posted it - back in December 2015! So much for email alerts from Blogger! To answer your question, the community for which Pai Henrique serves as leader / healer is not a retreat center so much as it is an educational and spiritual center for the community members who live there. It's not like going to a yoga retreat where there's a different teacher each week. The center cares for its members and aperiodically a group from another country comes to study with Henrique. Of course, we're in lock-down now around the world, so no one is going anywhere, but if you're interested for future possibilities, I suggest you connect with Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute. They may be able to answer your questions. Thanks for reading... oh, so l o n g ago!
