Monday, January 12, 2015

My Monday Muse…

My Monday Muse...

...has sustained me throughout this monumental move from Southern California to Northern California. By sustain, I mean the commitment to blog served me well, this past month, as an anchor to bigger commitments to myself as a writer.

During the weekend, I was a participant in a Bodynamics course, along with eight other students and three faculty members of The Bodynamics Institute, USA. I got to be in a demo session for Grounding in Early Will Structure. In finding those muscles that support me sticking to the task I’ve chosen, I re-committed to writing for at least two hours on Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday is the “given”, in that I have been able to maintain that discipline even during the busy-ness of relocating.

So, with eleven witnesses metaphorically looking over my shoulder, I’m deferring further opening of boxes, un-packing, and even stripping beds and generally “tidying up” after four folks slept here within the last week, so that I may steep more deeply in the adventure of writing beyond once a week.

Acknowledging, during the session, that my beloved and I have different ways of “landing” in this new place, has helped me find some ease, grace, acceptance, and some humor in how different we are. His need is to have it all done ASAP. Mine is to do spurts of unpacking, sifting and sorting - interspersed with times of replenishing practices (yoga, meditation and walks), and social engagement with peers, friends, and family. We have plenty of time to settle-in. I don’t feel an urgency. To his credit, he made HUGE progress in the un-packing process in the living room and garage over the weekend! With happy heart I hugged him.

Sunday night found the house abuzz with as many of my Bodynamics family here in the Bay Area as could make it for supper and conversation, a colleague who is here for another workshop, and a lovely mom and seven year old from L.A. who made an over-night stop here during a very special week-long, mother-daughter road trip. Both Mark and I thoroughly enjoyed the stimulation of conversation, laughter and good food, punctuated by joyful outbursts of an active seven-year-old-girl-child, who has immediate access to how to have fun. She particularly loved running, sliding, and “skating” on the hardwood floors in her stocking feet and jean-covered seat. I joined her in the skating.

I’m delighted, as is my husband, that this new home, like the old home in L.A., is turning out to be a resource of lovely, welcoming proportions. The kitchen is gracious, the space is spacious, and apart from a persistent skunk, who nightly sprays the back of the house with her stinky, pungent, punitive(?) essence, we are feeling sooooo lucky to be able to live here and enjoy company and the spectacular view. 

This morning, one of my colleagues left at 4 O’Clock, to catch a flight back to Calgary. I got up to see her off. When I opened the bathroom door off our bedroom, the sulfurous smell was so strong my eyes burned. I think we need some help in the skunk deterrent department! Another thing to add to the list after doing some more yoga!

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