Sunday, January 4, 2015

Box by Box

Un-packing is an art unto itself.

When a family has TWO moving vans full of STUFF, you can bet it's too much for them.

By Friday night, I was in denial and total overwhelm about ever getting my office put together in any semblance of order. Basically, I'm combining two rooms (my healing, seeing clients room, and my writing, business office space) into one room that is smaller than either of those rooms at the old house. Cozy is my new mantra. Cozy curtains, cozy cot, cozy closet! Mercifully it's a spacious closet, and allows for storage of several blankets, books, massage sheets & supplies, baby toys, and teaching materials.

Setting out the altar will be a welcomed and final touch. I must get a feel for the room before I can figure out the placement of it. Its implicit presence in my heart and mind have dictated the configuration of the room:  All spokes relate to its hub-ness, so I've had a general idea of where it will be, but the precise choreography has yet to be revealed. I'm valuing the guidance from unseen "friends."

Our granddaughter, daughters, and their guy pals have been so very helpful this entire weekend! From making meals, to hanging curtains and assorted mirrors, paintings, hooks and hardware, they have turned the tide from overwhelm to seeing the possibilities for completion of the settling-in process.

My work is cut-out for me:  Sewing the shoe bag, hanging a couple of shelves, and the stained glass window, and vacuuming… endless vacuuming, as more and more boxes are emptied and the detritus within falls out. It is very satisfying to cut the bottom tape of each empty box and squeeze the box flat to add to the ever increasing pile of flattened and empty cartons. Free-Cycle, here we come!

Saturday night brought some excitement in the form of a funny black and white "kitty" which busied itself digging ferociously for something in the back garden. When it released an amazing and lingering scent, we remembered that we're not in the "city" anymore! Can you deter skunks with anything?

The other "excitement" is that there seems to be no access to use an auger in the main drain line. After calling at least four plumbing companies, to no avail, "Paul" showed up an hour and a half later than the promised time, and informed us that it would be a two person, 90 foot line job and run about $400 to clear the line so the toilets will work. We're calling for a second opinion now that the New Year's weekend is at an end. Wish us well this week, please!

Royal flushes sound dreamy.

Happy Healthy Joy-filled New Year to you and your dear ones.

May Peace Prevail!

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