Monday, October 23, 2017

All Hallows Heave

On this coming All Hallow's Eve

How many goodies shall we leave

When we head across town to

Celebrate with family who

Live on a street with lots of kids

Trick or Treating with their sibs?

At the old house every year,

Warlocks & witches would come near

Our new neighbor kids seem missing in action

Halloween on the hill gives no satisfaction

On the night of boos & ghouls

Do they seek out malls and schools?*

Where do all the children go?

No candles in carved pumpkins glow

Not one ballerina, nor comic hero

Do I hear the fiddler Nero?

How many costumes? How 'bout ZERO?

Am I simply being romantic?

Is this vacuum symptomatic?

Life now feels so automatic.

Lives are busy, this we know

Can we conjure olden times slow?

Popcorn balls and apples caramelled

Homemade treats still unparalleled

In this age of fear and compromise

It's not just milk that we homogenize

One size fits most; experience blended

Originality used to be splendid

Where are the pirates with charcoaled cheeks

And ghosts made up of household sheets?

Store-bought masks replace bound-with-laces-

Handmade costumes and painted faces

We champion diversity in Oakland's city

Yet the pop-up sellers of atrocity

Sell electronic decorations that dart

Or shriek or moan or smell of farts

Hobbling us to putrid conformity

Wreaking of stifled uniformity

Life with nearby community

Has much to offer you and me

Beyond the night of bats and clowns

All other nights the whole year 'round

We live near humans rich in wisdom

 Stories ignite communal vision

We may learn more from those who're different

From us; who had to keep their upper lip stiffer when

Through adversities they had to go

Hearing their lessons helps us to grow

As we listen with our hearts open

For world-wide softening is what I'm hopin'

Coming soon, the night of wonder

Hoping the Orange Trumpkin doesn't blunder

Ripping the entire world asunder

Hell's fury sounds a mighty thunder

While he rants & tweets at each broadcaster

I fear this most unnatural  disaster

Every atomic tweet I hear

Ramps up ever growing fear

That life on earth which we hold dear

Will end up on a funeral bier

But come, my friends, let's strike a chord

Turn against the ugly hoard

Of divisiveness and rancor

Let melody & harmony be our anchor

Happy Halloween!

* Our Nextdoor Neighborhood chat site contemplated this question. Answers to why there are no kids  here on Halloween include naming our neighborhood unsafe because it's poorly lit and there are no curbs, and the lure of wonderful venues where kids can show off their costumes in the light of the mall and consume a LOT of candy given out by shop-keepers.

Still, I wish I could take the granddaughter and her pals back in a time machine to the "fun house" we neighborhood kids constructed in howling winds October 1958 - complete with sensory delights like peeled grapes for eye-balls, cooked spaghetti for brains and walking on eggshells meant to simulate broken glass.

Moms sixty years ago certainly allowed for messier celebrations than most kids are allowed currently.

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