Sunday, July 30, 2017

Blackberry Summer

Three young girls, ages totaling twenty-four

Take down the basket and run out the door

Carefully they pluck only the ripe ones 

From between thorns and honey bee flight runs

Sweet Blackberries stain fingers bright red

Pretending blood, “Look, I’m hurt”, they said

Finally, basket and tummies are full

They’re bringing them in to wash and to cull

Blackest and sweetest from reddish sours

Blend and pour. Ice-pops in a few hours

It’ll be a sweet treat when we return 

From swimming I’m hoping with no sunburn

Person made lake has sandy bottom

Shade and life guards, so glad we got ‘em

Three young girls laughing and playing

Don’t want to leave, they’d rather be staying

Remembering the blackberry pops

The resistance to going soon stops

Singing sweet school songs on the way back

Teaching words, humming birds, each one on track

To being full humans with multi-dimensions

Hearing their joy, keeping tears in suspension

Sweet reveries of my own friends at eight

So many years ago; lucky my fate

To have played fully, running in the hills wild

Lucky and lovely to witness this grandchild

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