Sunday, September 7, 2014

Wi Fi Spider

I wondered what to call that too-hickey high up on the wall in one of the break-out rooms here at Mercy Center. One of my colleagues named it: It's a Wi-Fi Spider. It looks like a smoke alarm - white plastic disk with several six inch arms sticking out of it at odd angles.

Sitting under it for the past two days while triads of students practice on each other their new skills as Somatic Experiencing Practitioners, I have felt a-buzz and more tired at the end of the day. Is it the emanations? Tempting to blame technology.

I'm also tempted to say I could live with out the wi-fi-spi-dee… but then I wouldn't get to share the blog, write inane things to friends or play Farmville on FaceBook (JOKE!)

What DID we do before the internet?

Well, I remember camp fires and late night games of Kick the Can. Weiner roasts and reading aloud or alone. 

What I loved about the world before so much buzz and info zinging across the airwaves and THROUGH me, was the quiet.

Here at the retreat center, there is also much of that. Away from Spidee, there's the sound of crickets. In the distance, an occasional dog or coyote punctuates the velvet night. 

What a privilege it is to support the students' learning. What a thrill to keep learning new stuff about how humans heal.

Thanks for reading!

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