Thin skin. The skin I’m in.
Thinning more each day.
Shin skin. Chin skin.
Shedding along the way.
What’s the skin, but boundary?
What’s you is outside my hide;
What’s inside my hide is me.
What becomes of hide if you slide?
Thin shin & chin skin. Slide into home; tear-up my hide.
What a metaphor my sore knees were for sliding into home.
Nearly everyday, on my way from the Fox’s house to home,
I’d slide in all alone...
Scrape my knees
On gravel in between
Our houses on top of the hill.
You could hear me scream so shrill.
Needing comfort, needing knees to be tended to.
See me! See how coming home hurt, won’t you?!
My Conception Journey ended with a bumpy landing.
Wrong womb!
W-A-A-A-I-T!! I was pushed!
I didn’t mean to DROP in H-E-E-E-E-R-E!!!
Take me baaaaack to baby heaven.
Let me choose the folks for me!
NO! NOT this place, please!
These are not my people!
Mercifully, mom could sing - even though her sight was blocked.
Mercifully, mom could rock - ‘though she knew not that daddy’s cock
was going where it shouldn’t ought.
Let me hide my hide so he won’t whup it.
Let my hide be spared his rod.
Let me hide my hide so he won’t see it.
Let my hide be spared, by God!
I couldn’t believe in God on high
When daddy s-l-i-m-e-d me - mouth to thigh
Daren’t ask Jesus’ help to fly...
He’d asked so nice and was left to die!
Hiding hide became my practice
Closet safety my specialty
Hide my hide in trees and grasses
Great outdoors my sanity
Daddy drinks and daddy stinks
Just the same as Don
Fox... and Jacky’s daddy John
All daddies drink and stink, me thinks
All the daddies and their wives
Are running for their lives
Just after war, lest we forget
Water forgets not it’s wet
Big brother is a bother
Acting much the same as father
Drank at ten when I was four
Drank from then and ever more
Who will save this freckled hide?
Who will mend this mangled pride
Who, indeed, can make it better?
Grammy, maybe. Wrapped in her sweater
I’m protected and calm
Her love, her prayer - a healing balm
At her house, I can be seen
And daddy here is rarely mean
Grammy sees me, so does Nora
Kay Harris, too, shore ‘n’ begorrah
It takes so little to help a kid
Just see her and she stops the skid
From light to total dark
She turns, rebounds with every quark
Going lightward full speed ahead
Going upward, shedding dread
Soon there’ll be no need to hide
With daddy on the other side
I’ll write and sing without any fears
Wet cheeks’ reward are joyful tears
So, Memorial Day plays double duty
Commending Dad and Bro
Who fought for country, love and beauty
Not so very long ago
I remember, too, the girl whose hide has healed
Whose sentence was repealed
The one whose gratitude is infinite
For Grammy’s love like granite
The rock on which I could depend
Foundation of love unconditional
I suppose it’s simply traditional
That Gran’mother’s love never ends.
Heidi Hi, Heidi Ho.
Heal the hide and away we go!